Thursday, June 23, 2016

Summer Cookies

These are some cookies I made for summer.  I used rolled cookie dough, flower cookie cutter, grave cookie cutter, ice cream cookie cutter, 6 pointed star cookie cutter, circle cookie cutter, royal icing, chocolate royal, and edible markers.

I'll start with the sunflower:
I used a flower cookie cutter to make the flower cookies.

Next I  made a circle with royal icing dyed yellow and then outlined every other petal.  Next I outlined the top of rest of the petals and let them crust.

I then took some of the chocolate royal icing and dyed it a bit darker.  Next I pipped 1-2 lines in each petal, depending on how much room there was, starting at the circle.  I made sure they were different lengths, petals of flowers are not the same.  Nature is beautiful that way.

Then I filled in every other petal with the yellow royal icing and let them crust before filling in the rest.

Next comes the middle.  I used chocolate royal icing to pipe ball shapes for the seeds.  This will take a bit, because if any of the icing touches others and it is still wet, they will merge.  So I needed to make sure none of the "seeds" touched and also wait for them to harden.  You can see in the flower on the right there are a lot of "seeds" to pipe.
And we have a sunflower!

The sun is next:

I used a 6 pointed star cookie cutter to make the sun shape.  After they were baked, I used a circle cookie cutter and a light colored edible marker to trace the middle of the sun.  Using a dark one is easier to see, but with light colored icing, it can easily show through.

I then used that circle as my guide, I outlined and filled 3 of the points with a yellow/orange royal icing.  Then I let them crust and finished with the last 3 points.
Sorry, I forgot to take a pic of my next step.  But after letting all the points crust I filled the center with a yellow royal icing and let it completely dry, around 24 hours.

When that is done, I used a black edible marker to draw sunglasses and a smile!
And TA-DA!!  A sun!

We all scream for ice cream. . . cones:

So, for these, I used an ice cream cone cookie cutter.  When they were baked and cooled, I used some chocolate royal icing to outline and fill the whole cone part.  I then had to wait for that to crust before I could pipe lines in a criss-cross to make it look like a waffle cone.

After the cone crusted, I outlined and filled the top of the ice cream cone with white royal icing.  I thought it would look better if I made it look like the ice cream came over the top of the cone a bit.  And I have a yummy ice cream cone!!

Lastly, a nice cool drink of lemonade:

So for this one I used a grave cookie cutter and cut off the top.  I thought this would make a great shape for a cup.

So I took some chocolate royal icing and outlined the cup making sure to make an oval for the top of the cup.  I then took yellow royal icing and made a squiggle about 3/4 of the way up and filled the whole bottom portion.  Immediately, I filled the whole top with white royal icing.  Waiting too long will make a line between the icings because of crusting, and I didn't want that.  The cookie then needed to dry completely.

When it was dry, I used a black edible marker to draw some ice cubes.  And we have some lemonade!

Those are my summer cookies!
Have fun decorating!!