Sunday, May 8, 2016

Yummy Royal Icing

This recipe is also from The Decorated Cookie (she is AMAZING!).  The original recipe is Here

4 tablespoons of meringue powder
1/2 cup of water
2 Tablespoons of Crisco
2 tablespoons of light corn syrup
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
7-8 cups of powdered sugar (sifted)

First whip the meringue powder with the water for a several minutes until it is fluffy and forms peaks.  One way to know it is done is if the bowl is turned upside down, nothing falls out. I use a stand mixture with the whisk attachment, but it can be done with a hand mixture as well, it will just take a bit longer.  When that is done add the next 3 ingredients and mix.  Finally add the sifted powdered sugar.

*The normal consistency is thick.  If you want a stiffer consistency, add more powdered sugar, for a thinner one add more corn syrup.  DO NOT add any more water, that causes a kind of cracked, discolored look when dry.  Also this icing does harden enough to stack the cookies on each other but it is not a hard as normal royal icing.  I have found that this icing is not great for pipping 3D decorations like roses.  This royal icing is more appropriate for that.

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